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Consulente: Trusted Counselor & Advisor

Start-up, Strategy, Funding,

Growth, & Exit

Funding & Strategy

The process of raising capital can be frustrating. It's incredibly complex, takes longer than you expect, distracts you from growing your business, and frequently fails. We don’t know anyone who likes it, yet it’s a necessary part of every successful start up and high-growth company.


Want help to ensure a successful raise? Get in touch with us—we provide trusted counsel at fixed monthly rates that most companies can afford. Since 1990, we've helped clients raise over $710 million from Angel, Venture Capital, and Private Equity investors and have guided successful exits of more than $6 billion.

Contact Brett to help you.

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Interim CEO, CFO, CSO

We parachute in and help immediately. Whether you're struggling with funding, are considering letting your CXO officer go, or want another opinion on what to do in your company, contact Brett to have a confidential discussion.

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Trusted Advisor

Whether you're a C-suite executive, founder, investor, or board director, there are times that you need trusted counsel—someone who can advise you from the outside, with deep inside experience.

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CFO and CEO Coaching & Mentoring

Is your CFO excellent? Our studies of the most successful 15% of CFOs show that their success is focused on 3 critical skill areas.


We've developed the CFO Assessment Tool™ for CEOs, CFOs  and board directors, to determine the extent to which these critical skills are present and advise on what needs to be done to develop further.

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Why Hire Us

Simple: No bullshit. We tell you the truth, give you grounded assessments and broad counsel. We're responsive, agile, and understand the complexities of entrepreneurs, investors, and boards.


Read what our past clients say >

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