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CFO & CEO Mentoring

Is your CFO excellent in all three required functional areas of Controllership, Treasury, and Strategy/Forecasting? 


Becoming a CFO isn't easy—the list of items that they need to deal with is vast. If not handled well, any single item can cause breakdowns, including:

  • Negative effect on profitability and company value.

  • Increased exposure to lawsuits.

  • Inability to close transactions.

  • Bankruptcy. 


In our work with CFOs and aspiring CFOs, we break down the job into three functional areas. 
CFOs must be knowledgeable and competent in all three.


  1. Controller duties: Historical.

    Accurate and timely presentation of information.

  2. Treasury duties: Present time.

    Financial condition, cash needs, and capital structure—how and where to invest company money. 

  3. Strategy and Forecasting: The Future.

    Financial modeling, strategy & planning, forecast cash flow, and valuation.

To help companies thrive in the finance and strategy areas, we developed the CFO Assessment Tool™ that determines the extent to which these skills are present and advise if anything needs to be developed further. We work with your senior team to ensure that you have everything you need to ensure your success.


Have questions? Want access to our CFO Assessment Tool or to have a confidential discussion? Set up a one-hour video call today.

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