Raising Capital: When Investors Say No, Part 11
We’re moving back to raising capital this week and dealing with getting the dreaded “No” from investors. Anyone who’s raised money has...
Potentially Fatal Mistakes Start-Ups Make When Raising Capital, Part Three
This week, we’re going to cover a fatal mistake that regularly catches founders and CEOs by surprise and takes ongoing commitment to keep...
Potentially Fatal Mistakes Start-Ups Make When Raising Capital, Part Two
Last week, we covered potential fatal errors related to funding and valuation. This week, we’ll continue our discussion and address the...
Potentially Fatal Mistakes Start-Ups Make When Raising Capital, Part One
Founders and CEOs who haven’t participated directly in multiple start-ups—most readers of this article—frequently make errors early in...
Raising Capital: Dealing With Revealed Preferences, Part Ten
If you haven’t already, please read our article from last week about Revealed Preferences (RPs) and how they can affect your sales...